About Us

9Hailsham Theatres History

mother-goose-1985Hailsham Theatres has been running for 90 years in one form or another. Hailsham Theatres was formed from the amalgamation of two groups, Conrose Players and C.A.T.S (Community Association Theatrical Section).

Historically, C.A.T.S were the ‘panto’ section, and Conrose Players performed plays.

Many members of each group were the same people, and it was decided that it would be more time effective and better use of people’s skills to bring the two groups together.

The knowledge and experience from both sides gave Hailsham Theatres the opportunity to produce more varied productions.

Hailsham Theatres is very much a family group, some members started as young enthusiastic children and are still with the society many years on!


Doug Morgan – Chairman


“As Chairman of Hailsham Theatres, I’d like to welcome and thank you for visiting our website.  Along with our new committee members I am looking forward to the shows we have planned for you this year.

Working in the theatre industry professionally and having been involved with the group for more than 20 years lighting numerous shows I have decided at last to tread the boards!

Please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for our latest news.”

Gareth Butland – Treasurer

Gareth has been involved with Hailsham Theatres for many years and enjoys set building and lighting.

Allison Avann – Secretary

Alison has taken part in numerous dance shows and singing performances her highlights to date are tap dancing at the Royal Albert Hall and recording at Abbey Road Studios


Present Info

It is important to the society that a relaxed and friendly approach is kept, welcoming people of all ages to get involved with or take part in our productions, whether its stage, cast or crew.

cast-logoWe have a good reputation with local businesses and schools and the local Brownie and Rainbow Groups come each year to analyse our pantomime before the big opening night.

Being able to perform at the Pavilion in Hailsham is a great honour, and we take pride in being allowed to use this fabulous venue each year for our Pantomimes. Summerheath Hall also plays a major part in our productions, whether its for rehearsals or our popular plays.

Our AGM is held every year, and we are always glad to see new faces and hear new ideas. The current standing Officers have all been with the society for at least 3 years, and are keen to maintain the happy, friendly atmosphere we have created over the decades.

If you’d like to come along one evening to meet us all, please do. We will post dates of meetings, readings, rehearsals and socials on our website so keep an eye open. We won’t make you jump up and dive in on your first night, unless of course you want too!!!

We are not a huge society by any means, but we hope we are a great one!

Maybe see you soon,

From all at Hailsham Theatres

What You Say About Us

ShopstaffWe are very lucky to have a superb audience of Hailsham Theatres. Here are a few quotes from our favourite letters.

“Both a friend and I who went to Friday’s performance of Just Between Ourselves were very impressed with the production. Definitely the most professional group of amateur theatre players I have ever seen and I have seen quite a few. I hesitate to use the word amateur as there was nothing amateur about it. You guys could give the West End a run for their money. ”

“My friend and l couldn’t stop praising the whole performance, the acting perfectly cast, hilarious costumes of the era, incredible set layout”

“Amazing sets, interesting productions performed by talented crew and led by good directors.”

“I really wanted to watch it all again the next evening and enjoy all the humour, quick fire timing and perfect sound effects rounded up with superb direction from Sam Elsby.”

“…easy to see the work and commitment involved which deserves much praise”